Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine ( ) 12 , xi

Book review
Editors: Tamerah N. Hunt
Bibliographic:  ISBN: 978-1-61711-066-5; 2013 by SLACK Incorporated, NJ, USA, 160 pages, soft cover (alk. paper), $32.95
Subjects:  Sports Concussion, Evaluation, Management
Reviewed by: Ufuk Sekir, MD, Assoc. Prof., Department of Sports Medicine, Medical School of Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.
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Cram Session in Evaluation of Sports Concussion: A Handbook for Students & Clinicians is a succinct and descriptive quick reference that provides the health care professional with a simple step-by-step approach to various sports concussion assessment and management techniques.
The goal of the book is to provide clinicians involved in the management of sports concussion a user-friendly algorithm such as a "concussion concept map" to help them triage the injury and work through the assessment to reach a diagnosis through a systematic approach.
The book is an informative, well-organized handbook for all students and clinicians in athletic training, physical therapy, and allied health professions who evaluate and manage concussions.
The book is 160 pages, divided into 8 chapters and suggested readings and an index at the end. Each chapter includes a summary section and essential references at the end. The following topics are addressed in the chapters: 1-"Introduction", 2-"Differential diagnosis", 3-"Concussion evaluation assessments and clinical tools", 4-"Management and recovery of sport-related concussion", 5-"Return to participation guidelines", 6-"Return to school/work accommodations", 7-"Legal precedent and cases", and 8-"Prevention".
This handbook is primarily an evaluation book that focuses on how clinicians can develop differential diagnosis and then systematically rule each one in or out to come up with final diagnosis. It includes new clinical techniques, laws, and management tools to help develop safe and efficient evaluations and clinical practices for athletics. Each chapter has an overview, evidence to support each step in the process, and concluding summarized chapter bullets.
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